Are You Giving Your Clients A Good Experience?

We talk so much about customer experience to our clients, but how much of it do you apply to better their experience with you (Clients are your customers, aren’t they?) From personal experience, recurring clients are the best version of clients there are, you understand each other’s thought process, work process & know for a fact that genuine, clear feedback gets the work done well. But there is so much more that goes to reach this stage of comfort. Here’s how you can improve your client’s experience:

<rich-h3>Client Satisfaction Is The Silver Bullet<rich-h3>

<rich-list-item>When talking to them, don’t undermine - Visibility & Clarity. They play a key role when presented with good work output.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Take interest in their business. Their business gets you more business.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Attention to detail is everything. Make sure you spell out those details to the client while highlighting the quality.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Be available to solve their questions & doubts. Sometimes, it can lead you to new doors that your client is ready to open <rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Be prompt with client responses (at least under 24 hours)<rich-list-item last-item>

<rich-h3>Client Admire Proactive Teams<rich-h3>

<rich-list-item>Clients love to be on top of things, they love to be involved. Make them feel included.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Sharing WIPs will help you get buy-ins at regular intervals, which in return saves you two loads of rework timeline.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Coming to the timeline, also make sure your deliverables justify the time taken & call out if new suggested changes are going to increase it.<rich-list-item last-item>

Bonus Tip: Promote asynchronous feedback for effective meeting time.

Remember that bad client experiences are real. Read this article<l5 Things That's Annoying Your Client> to deep dive into detailed possibilities of such bad circumstances.


We talk so much about customer experience to our clients, but how much of it do you apply to better their experience with you (Clients are your customers, aren’t they?) From personal experience, recurring clients are the best version of clients there are, you understand each other’s thought process, work process & know for a fact that genuine, clear feedback gets the work done well. But there is so much more that goes to reach this stage of comfort. Here’s how you can improve your client’s experience:

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