<rich-h3>Client Satisfaction Is The Silver Bullet<rich-h3>
<rich-list-item>When talking to them, don’t undermine - Visibility & Clarity. They play a key role when presented with good work output.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Take interest in their business. Their business gets you more business.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Attention to detail is everything. Make sure you spell out those details to the client while highlighting the quality.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Be available to solve their questions & doubts. Sometimes, it can lead you to new doors that your client is ready to open <rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Be prompt with client responses (at least under 24 hours)<rich-list-item last-item>
<rich-h3>Client Admire Proactive Teams<rich-h3>
<rich-list-item>Clients love to be on top of things, they love to be involved. Make them feel included.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Sharing WIPs will help you get buy-ins at regular intervals, which in return saves you two loads of rework timeline.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Coming to the timeline, also make sure your deliverables justify the time taken & call out if new suggested changes are going to increase it.<rich-list-item last-item>
Bonus Tip: Promote asynchronous feedback for effective meeting time.
Remember that bad client experiences are real. Read this article<l5 Things That's Annoying Your Client> to deep dive into detailed possibilities of such bad circumstances.